Saturday, January 26, 2008

Happy 1 week birthday, Malone!

Thursday Malone was officially one week old. In honor of this mini-milestone, we had a little photo shoot with her and a beautiful picture her aunt Lydia drew for her.

Here's Lydia's beautiful picture. Its Malone's little wings.

How beautiful is she? We call this her superman pose.

Then Maloney started getting a little sleepy..... AWWW....

Then it was sleepy time. Ahhh...peaceful.

Until we started taking pictures of her, waking her up. She was NOT happy! Some people say that she gets her scowl from me, but I just don't see it :)

Then we gave her a bath. She didn't think the bath was so celebratory. But she sure did look (and smell) pretty afterward. I'll post those pictures next. To be continued....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh.........what amazing pictures! She's just beautiful, and Lydia's wings fit her perfectly. Don't blink.....that one week will turn into 20 years before you know it ;-). Enjoy every minute!
Love, Laura & Michael