Monday, February 23, 2009

Through pictures I think Malone is the cutest baby in the world. I think this is by far my favorite phase so far. She is so animated, smart and caring. I just love her.

Here's a few pictures to show you why:

See how she's holding "Ollie" her elephant? Nothing but love.

She's easily entertained and surprised.
She scrunches her nose when she giggles
She lets me take silly pictures with her
And she loves her mama!

Monday, February 16, 2009


I'm back with a vengeance. You will never be able to get rid of me now!

Remember when I told you about that game "High/Low"? So here are the high/lows of today:

High: Malone being in an awesome mood today (with the exception of the time period between 2:30pm-3:30pm). Lots of hugs, laughs, and playing with her toys. What a joy!

Low: The period between 2:30pm-3:30pm when Malone refused to nap and cried for an hour straight. I hate those days, not just for me, but for her too.

High: Receiving my mother-in-law, Claire's fudge in the mail. Seriously, I love this stuff and have been looking forward to it all year. Last year, we received it right as we were moving. There were a few days in the process when we didn't have any snacks/food around and Cameron and I lived off of the fudge and graham crackers...mostly by choice. I have to hide it or I'll eat it all by myself!

Low: Malone screaming for an hour straight.

High: Malone did so good at Little Gym today! She even walked up to the instructor, Ms. Kat and hugged her, then crawled into her lap. Soooo proud of her!

Low: Trying to decide if I should take her out of her crib sans a nap or establish a routine by keeping her in her crib....Ahhh, I hate those decisions. I went for consistency..... Oh, and another low was watching the Bachelor tonight. Waste of time!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

She can....

She can say "Thatttttt" (emphasis on last consonant).

She is fluent in the language of walking and even dabbling in some running.

She has discovered her stuffed animals.

She talks to her favorite animals, Moo-Moo (I think you've met him), Dolly and the yet unnamed, Bunny.

She hugs them and pats them on the back and even talks to them.

She loves to give mommy and daddy kisses.

Whenever I really need it, she gives me a hug out of the blue.

She can say, "Tickle, tickle" and pretend to tickle you.

She is an official morning and afternoon crib napper. And the crowds rejoice!

She can say Mama.

She has a little pot-belly.

She LOVES strawberries & blueberries.

She can have me do anything for her...if I'm not careful. :)

Malone's First Birthday!

I'm back! So, Malone had her first birthday about a month ago. The party was so rockin' that we needed about a month to recover. Hence, you're only seeing the pictures now. Man, that girl is one party animal!

I spent all week preparing for the party that included a food spread, decorations, cupcakes, presents and of course, friends (mostly Cameron and I's friends with the exception of 3 of Malone's favorite buddies, Eva, Leighton and Matty). Malone was the best little birthday girl, entertaining everyone, opening presents and digging into her first ever cupcake like a champ! And here are the pictures to prove it.


First, please note the cutest birthday girl outfit in the history of birthday outfits. It was a pink shirt, green little skirt and bright tights. She rocked it...if only the bow would have stayed.
Here's my lovely food table
Look at these super cute chocolate lollipops my friend, Yami made.
Marc and Beth helping us with decorations.
Time to open presents!

I include the next picture because vainly, I think my arms look skinny. All that running has been paying my arms....I'm excited to share my moment of vanity with you. Now, don't go staring at my arms in all the rest of the pictures. Its Malone's day!
Look at this super cute rain coat my Ouma sent Malone. It has ladybugs all over! I can't wait for her to wear it!
Phew, opening soooo many presents can wear a girl out!
The party guests

Malone's friend, Matty

The evening ended with Malone eating her cupcake. She devoured it. Note the fists full of frosting. And promptly needed a bath afterwards.