Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

**I wrote this yesterday, but little missy wouldn't let me finish it, so pretend today is yesterday!***

Today is Easter Sunday, one of my favorite days of the year. It is a day that signifies life, light and new beginnings. We woke up pretty early in order to get ready for church on time. There is no room for "fashionably late entrance" on Easter Sunday. Plus, we decided to go to church on Base and wasn't quite sure how many people there will be. Cameron looked quite handsome in his dress clothes and I have to admit I didn't look too shabby either even though an Easter pastel color was nowhere in sight in my outfit (who remembers to pack an Easter outfit 2 months ahead of time?). But the one who stole the show was our little girl. Dressed to the tees with her pink dress (courtesy of Kenzie Kotby) white socks and white dress shoes, she wowed everyone who laid eyes on her. If only we could get her hair to lay flat!

We enjoyed church and then celebrated the resurrection of our Lord with a nice Easter Brunch Buffet at the Officer's Club. Oohh, it was so good! We enjoyed a spread of the best kinds of Brunch foods. We enjoyed the food so much that we needed to rest and recuperate a little afterward. And that is where we are at in our day, full, still coming out of our afternoon slumber and deciding what to do for the rest of our day. This is the best Sunday afternoon ever!

Here's some pictures of our little Easter bunny:

Picture 1: Look at that cute outfit!
Picture 2 & 3: Malone and her handsome daddy

Picture 4: Malone and mommy
Picture 5: There were little bloomers to go with the dress. They were a bit big...

Picture 6: She's posing
Picture 7: We went for a little workout...she even has her workout outfit on.

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