Sunday, July 13, 2008

Christelly is here for a visit!

Sorry for the long overdue update. With Cameron home and my little sister visiting not only have we been keeping busy but there is also serious competition for the computer...mostly Cameron and his 500 subscribers blog. So let me fill you in on a few weeks worth of events.

First, Cameron was gone two weeks ago for some military training involving things he can't tell me. Somehow I think this secrecy thing will only increase as he gets into his new job. I'm not one for secrets and therefore am not too excited about this :) While he was gone, Malone and I tried to stay busy and nearly melted in the heat like M&M's (haha, get it M-alone & M-arelize, oh my wittiness is amazing!)

He got back on the fourth of July in the evening just as our whole neighborhood was starting the unofficial neighborhood block party/fireworks show. It was pretty incredible considering I have never lived anywhere where fireworks was legal inside city limits. We didn't know about it, but were fortunate to have some very nice neighbors who let Cameron help them shoot their fireworks. Next year we will definitely be ready! Oh and Malone slept through most of it. Amazing!

Then the next day my little sister, Christelle came from Alabama for a visit. It has been so great having her here. She is a joy to have around and has discovered the key to making Malone giggle. We've been hanging out with her, showing her around town. We went to the Point Defiance "Zoo & Aquarium" although both seemed a bit lacking in the animal department. Nevertheless, we had a good time. We also went to Seattle and Ikea, the norm for out of town visitors. Us girls went shopping and out for an afternoon at Borders, some good quality sissy time. Oh yes, and on Saturday we went to the Puyallup (pronounced PEW-WALLUP) farmer's market. It was awesome and definitely a highlight for me. I think we're going to make it a weekly activity.

Picture 1: Here's Christelly, Malone and I at the zoo.
Picture 2: Here's the little fam of 3 at the zoo.
Picture 3: Look at her all decked out in her stroller and hat. The hat is a bit too big and kept on falling over her eyes. Then we'd have strangers say, " Ummm...your baby's hat is over her eyes" and look at us like we're terrible parents :)
Picture 4: Christelle and I at Pikes Place Market

Malone has also had a busy week of loving on her auntie Christelly and her daddy (well, and me of course, but she never gets a break from me).
Picture 5: Malone and her Auntie playing and learning how to crawl.
Picture 6: Malone and her daddy after a bath.
PIcture 7: cute is she??!!!
Picture 8: Malone in her daddy's beloved hat.
Picture 9: She looks a little like a granola baby, like her parents should be living on a commune (the one you always talked about, Jill) smoking something crazy and never washing our hair. But alas, she and we are quite the opposite sub-urbanites.
Picture 10: This one is just for fun...she started eating peas for the first time this week. It was just too cute to resist taking a picture of the big mess.
In other news, I know many of you are interested in my marathon training. OK, so I don't exactly "know" that you are interested but I'm just going to update you in anyways :) After nearly two months of not running (bad runner girl!!!) I am back on the path of righteousness. I found a gym near my house and joined. Now I know that typically runners don't enjoy running on a treadmill but rather loves to feel the cool, crisp air in their faces while running outside. Well, I am not one of those people. I have a safety issue with running alone, down the street where there are cars and random people. Good news though: With my new membership comes some free sessions with a trainer. So far I've had 2 sessions and let me tell you I was definitely feeling it this weekend. My trainer is helping me develop a plan to help with the training of the "13 miles of hell" (aka the half marathon) as the trainer likes to call it. I'm really excited about this opportunity although not quite sure what to think of my last session tomorrow. My trainer said and I quote, "Next session we'll do legs. You should prepare yourself mentally for it, because just to warn you, doing legs with James (my trainer) is hell!". Ummm...ok scary trainer man. How do I prepare myself for that?! So as you are reading this, drinking your warm, smooth, creamy, comforting morning latte, say a little prayer for me as I am surely dying a slow death and doing so many lunges and squats that my legs want to fall off and run away without me.

Love you all and hope you are doing well. We are working on doing a MTV Cribs of our house. Will be up soon, I pinky-swear. But in the meanwhile, enjoy some videos we've been taking of Malone and Christelly. I'll post them in the morning.

1 comment:

Jill Meseke said...

I love, love, love all of the pics! Malone and Cameron's hippie hat look quite well together. However, I must say that I may have actually grown out of the idea of ever being involved with a commune.hahah Phil and I went to Warsaw to see his parents, and had our first real experience with one. We ate at a restaurant run by Twelve Tribes, which is a total cult if I ever saw one. They have to sell everything they have and give all of the money to the "Community". All of the waitresses looked a little overly pleasant, if you know what I mean...aka brain washed. Super interesting though... Anyways, I haven't talked to you lately so am just rambling on. I'll call soon.. head back to MS tomorrow morning. Miss you and keep blogging. I love reading!!!