Tuesday, March 31, 2009

cute new pics

She's a real Air Force baby
One day while I was at the gym, Cameron called and said Malone fell asleep...while eating her lunch.
How cute is this?! I caught this picture in the 5 minutes she was watching Baby Einstein. *RIP: Moo-moo. We hope you're enjoying your new home somewhere in Victoria, BC.


The Willis Wonder Years said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! She is hilarious! How the heck did she fall asleep while eating her lunch?!! LOL! I love the picture of her all set up watching a good show. She even has her liquid refreshment right there with her incase she gets parched. LOVE IT!! Cant wait to see you two on Thursday. Its been like 5 years!

jill said...

I love all of the new pics and updates. Hey, I called you last week sometime. Call me back friend...please.