Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Day in the Life: Day 3 (take 2)

Can I just tell you all how much I enjoyed hearing from you the other day?! I think I have the best readers in the world. It just so happens that I know most of you are dear friends, but still...

Fun day today, so here it is:

7:30am- Oh Starbucks, how I love thee!
8:30am- Excited about breakfast

11:45am- Malone at the Little Gym (she did so good today, she even smiled at people! Please excuse the red-eye.)
2:30pm- (NOT PICTURED) Malone refusing to take a nap in her crib (can any one of you pro-moms help me with naps? She's good at night)

4:00pm- My heart skipped a beat.(I have a love affair with Target and I got a flyer today for one opening close to my house. I am soooo excited.)

4:01pm- Why I love Target
8:00pm- Brownies for tomorrow and maybe a little for tonight.
8:34pm- I'm officially retarded.


SaraBethJ said...

this is a really great idea. i'll have to try it soon.

James' Sister

The Willis Wonder Years said...

Oh my gosh, I REALLY love what you are doing. It is adorable! I love seeing all the different times of things. Malone is absolutely adorable! We are so excited to see you two tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I love this blog too! I think you should continue this for the rest of your life. Granted, when you get about 80 or so, there may not be as much going on.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I love keeping up with you this way! Wanted to pick your brain about the naps...are you doing them at the same time each day? Same routine as bed? How long has she been struggling? I know my kiddos would be wierd with their schedule when they were ready to do something new developmentally, or if we needed to adjust the schedule...You're a great Mommy! She's beautiful!!